Step back into 1918 with a tour of the


where (almost) every document, photograph, artifact
& book is directly related to the First World War.

Areas of concentration include
US Marine Brigade, American Volunteers,
(Lafayette Escadrille & American Field Service)
cultural & social history, literature,
mythology & memory of the war.

Anthologies of Great War poetry, in chronological order,
1916 to 1979.

Anthologies of Great War poetry, in chronological order,
1964 to 1999.

Anthologies of Great War poetry, in chronological order,
1991 to 2022.

Wilfred Owen section with several new titles added

General studies of Great War poetry, in chronological order,
1974 to 2010.

In addition to his book on the
American WWI poet John Allan Wyeth,
(Before the Clangor of the Gun),
BJ Omanson annotated Wyeth's poems
(This Man's Army),
for the University of South Carolina Press
and annotated and wrote the section introductions
for the diary of a WWI Marine private
(At Belleau Wood with Rifle and Sketchpad),
for McFarland Publishers.

Currently Omanson is at
work on a book,
(Muleskinner with the
Marine Brigade),

about his grandfather,
Alpheus Appenheimer.